Description & Features

Up and Away is specifically designed to help relieve symptoms of recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis, such as odor, itching, irritation and vaginal discharge.

Up and Away is an all-natural supplement made with 100% pure Boric Acid.
Boric Acid used as a feminine suppository is an effective and safe treatment. Boric acid is a derived from alkaline salt deposits. It is 100% natural. Boric acid is an ideal solution for recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis.

What makes Up and Away Unique? How does it work?
Up and Away is the first 100% pure Boric Acid vaginal suppository’s kit available on the market today. Vaginal Candidiasis (also known as yeast infection) is caused when the healthy flora in the vagina become out of balance due to the environment becoming more alkaline. The vaginal pH should be slightly acidic with a pH between 3.5-4.5. When the pH becomes alkaline unhealthy bacteria or yeast grow and cause irritation, itchiness, discharge, and sometimes foul odour.

What are the causes?
The vagina can become alkaline due to sperm entering the area; sperm is alkaline. Blood from menstruating and water from bathing or douching are both more alkaline than the healthy vaginal pH and can lead to imbalance of the flora. Even diet or some types of material in undergarments can lead to irritation. Boric Acid is a natural supplement that helps to make the vaginal area pH more acidic, thus relieving vaginal discomfort.

How is Up and Away this used?
Up and Away is inserted one capsule in the vagina using the applicator or with your fingers, before bed each night until relief if reached. Do not use past 14 days straight. This product cannot be taken orally. Contact your health practitioner if ongoing issues persist.

Aeryon Wellness Up and Awäy Boric Acid

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